Original Artwork by              
Abdoulaye Thiossane N'Diaye
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TITLE:    Demel Madior et Sa Femme Yacine Boubou PRICE:   $ 40 SIZE:     23" x 16" COLOR:  B & W 

Damel Madior:  Un marabout recommende a Madior de tuer une de ses trois femmes et de se laver avec son sang s’il veut etre Damel.Yassine Boubou accepte car elle se dit que si elle meurt on se rapellera d’elle a cause de son fils.  A l’age de vingt cinq ans, le fils de Madior entend dire que sa mere n’etait pas une bonne femme c’est pourqoi son pere l’a tuee.  Avouant qu’il a tue sa femme pour etre Damel, le pere fut tue par son fils qui lui aussi regnera comme Damel.

Damel Madior:  A marabout advised Madior to kill one of his three wives and wash himself with her blood if he wanted to be come Damel.  Yassine Boubou agreed to be the one he should kill because if she died, she would be remembered through her son.  At the age of twenty, the son of Madior overheard that his mother had been killed because she was not a good person.  Confessing that he killed his wife to become Damel, the father was killed by his son so that he could also be crowned Damel. 

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